Tuesday, March 4, 2014

My Self in 10 Years

I was greatly impressed with some of the speeches at this past weekend’s Academy Awards.
Mostly with Matthew McConaughey's speech.

The thought of having your hero be yourself but 10 years from now is amazing and it got me to thinking where do I want to be 10 years from now.

Here are the facts:
  • I will be 65 (man that sounds old)
  • My kids will be older but in particular Boo will be 16. Dating, High school and all that comes with it.
  • My grandkids will be in Young Men’s and Young Women’s or very close to it.
  • I doubt my Dad will still be here but you never know.
  • My wife will still melt my heart and soul every time I look at her.
  • We will still be in the same house…We love the Ward and neighborhood, not necessarily the house (yet)

Where do I personally want to be…wow that is a deep question.

  • I still want to be my wife’s best friend. Need to keep her #1 in all that I do or plan on doing.
  • I want to be Boo’s best buddy as she calls me. Items mention below will help with this as well as always remembering to listen and not judge or snap decisions for her.
  • I want my grandkids to know who Papa is and get excited when they know we are going to talk. This means I have to make an effort to go see them and get to know them and they me. Time invested is the biggest thing as well as listening.
  • Nat and I plan on doing a mission once Boo gets on one herself or into collage so that leads to some must have right off the bat. (Now this is more a 13 year plan but it still fits)
  • Financially ready. Enough savings to cover things.
  • Physically ready.  Belly gone, in shape, strong enough and healthy.
  • Spiritually ready. To be so in tune with how the Spirit works with me personally that I can act on the promptings received and do what He would want.

Nothing that is impossible nor will it be extra easy…So how do I accomplish my 65 year old self when looking at the list above.

  • Work on projects around the house that Nat and I have been ignoring or I am too lazy to do.
    • This means starting the painting in the kitchen then the floors and move to finish the basement. Not to mention the long list I have for the yard.
  • Save Save and Save. Do not waste my money on things of no real value. Junk food, Gas Station Hotdogs, will not only help save money but will lead into losing the weight and getting in shape.
  • Daily Family prayer
  • Daily Family Scripture study
  • Personal Prayer and Study and I mean real study…digging deep and searching for the meanings that lay there.
  • Regular Temple attendance with my wife and by myself.
  • Meaningful fasting. Doing it with a purpose in mind. (This will be the hardest thing for me personally)
  • Don’t waste time on those shows or TV or Books that will not aid in reaching the ultimate goal. This doesn’t mean to enter a monastery, good books and movies can help uplift and sustain a person.
  • Laughter is always a welcome part of my life.
  • Exercise…yes even daily exercise. I guess I must say it need to be real exercise, the kind I see Nat do and not just phoning it in walking on the tread mill.
  • Making prayer a vital part of my job. Everything seems to flow smoother if I take the time to kneel down in my office and discus work items with Him. I have asked for miracles to happen and they have. If I am praying about work little things seem to happen to make things just work. Clients are not upset when I thought they would blow up, deliveries seem to happen early, My team seem to behave better with each other.
Make and take the time for my grandkids.

 Well the first thing I have to do is to decide that I start today and not think “Oh Monday would be the best time to start this sort of thing.”
 So I guess once I fix the hot water heater leak at home I need to head to the gym…