Thursday, December 30, 2010

Snow Day

Yesterday and last night we got clobbered with snow. That is usually not a big deal but it was so warm then now it is freezing so we have a layer of ice outside.
So glad that I can say "Snow Day" and not have to hurry into work, I wasn't planning on working a whole day anyway since tomorrow will be worse with my work. (I do AP work so tomorrow my team will have to do month end as well as year end items)
I really don't do much but since I'm the boss think it best if I am there at least to support them.
This job is one big grateful item in my life.
It doesn't pay a lot but it pays enough to meet our needs and allows Nat to stay home with Boo and be a full time mom without us having to go without the basic items we want and need.

update on baby: Mom and bay are both doing great. Being a grandpa is a very cool feeling the 2nd time around as well as the 1st. I hope it will never get old.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Good times

I have a lot to be grateful for. First off my 2nd grandson was born today. Jo and Josh welcomed their 2nd little boy. He is doing great (as is his mom.) I think dad is a bit in shell shock but that will pass.
Two little great is life!
This past week has been great as well. Christmas with the family is always a favorite time for me. Boo loved it.
She has been asking for a pink kitchen for the last few weeks...well she got it and loves cooking for Daddy.
As the new year approaches I am filled with ideas that I want to get done and become this next year. More on that later.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Monday, December 6, 2010

Fun Free Family Fun

Last Friday night we went to the Bountiful Light Parade on Main street. Not a big parade but a fun time.

Tonight we went over to a local merchant square to be part of "Miracle on 2600" Again free and fun.

If we don't support the local things they may not happen and that would be a great lose, not only for me but for my kids and grand kids.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Season

I am so grateful for this time of year. I love Christmas. Today I had the joy of attending 2 Sacrament meetings which means Two chances to sing Christmas Songs. (I always go to 2 meetings but I love it at this time of year)
Today at Church several good friends came up to me and asked how I was doing. They are so sincere and I appreciate it so much.
One said the best line yet. "Aren't you glad your here" and yes I am glad I am here and that I have many more yet to come.

Friday, December 3, 2010

A Proud Dad!!!

The other night Cody was out to the house and told us that he had won a writing contest. He acted like it was no big deal.
Basically he entered a speech for a contest to the National Young Democrats of America on the current political outlook and where it is heading and it won.

Wow!!!! I am so proud of him. I don't agree with all of his political views but that is what makes this country great. The chance for a father and son to agree to disagree.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Sooo Grateful

This Thanksgiving is special. After the time we have had since Oct 1 I am so grateful to be able to tell family and friends when they ask that, all is well and I am doing great!
Boo continues to brighten my day every day. The other day when we got our first big snow, I went out to shovel the driveway. Soon the door opened and out comes Boo and Nat. Boo was in a old snow suit we had and loved the snow. Soon she figured out how to pick some up and throw at me. Of course Nat started laughing when she did it so Boo kept it up.
What a great life I have. Healthy, great kids, grand kids and the most wonderful wife anyone could ask for.
Now I need to really work on getting the perfect Christmas present for her. It is hard since I am kinda dumb on present buying , but i will try.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

All Clear

We got the lab reports back yesterday. Everything is good. The "Tumor" was what they said it was, and the tissues around it were clear. The nods were clear etc.
Big sigh of relief!!!!!!
I am grateful I went in when I did and that I caught it in time. The thought of having Boo without me around is not a good one.

Monday, November 8, 2010


Well, I went into surgery Nov 2, it took longer than the 3 hours they said but what did I care, I was asleep. I feel for Nat who had to wait and wait. Turns out the little bugger wasn't so little and also was in a very difficult spot. The surgeon said he had to go old school and stitch the "Tube" together by hand. they removed a piece a bit bigger than a quarter he said. Still waiting to hear on the pathological reports. Should get those any day now and then we can either plan more stuff or breath a bit easier.
The stay in the hospital was OK. I got out Saturday afternoon. Last time I spent a night in the hospital I think I was 10 and had my tonsils out.
I do appreciate a full night sleep. No one waking me up to see if I am alive, or pull blood or get my vitals. Not to mention the other noises. Coughing, crying, squeaky wheels on carts etc.
When I got home it was decided that I would sleep the first few nights in the basement. Boo is fighting a cold and possible the flu and the last thing I need is to get sick. Also the bed upstairs is rather high for my fat belly to get into and out of smoothly.
So I thought this would be great. I have my computer setup, DVDs picked to watch and lo and behold Nat goes out Sat afternoon and buys a 32" TV for the bed room. I may be stuck in the basement for awhile now....We also changed over Boo's crib into a toddler bed for her. She is so proud. Now on to potty training.
As I have sat or laid down or slowly walked around a noise filled hospital, I have thought a lot of all the blessings I have. My family and friends mean the world to me.
My family that came to visit was great. I even got a visit from the Bishopric of the Ward I am high councilor assigned to. They came just in case I needed the last rites and to smuggle in some Diet coke.
I really did not feel like eating anything. Once I got home my mother brought over a Carmel/Marshmallow shake. Then Nat cooked up some Walmart special pizza.
I got my hunger right back.
Things have been good. I get the staples out tomorrow and slowly start to work back into life.
The Doctor said I will not feel like my self till Christmas but that's ok, at least I will have many more Christmas's to enjoy than if I had not got checked. Lesson learned....get checked!!!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Interesting 20 days

It is no small statement to say that a lot has happened since Oct 1.
After 2 years of having my wife beg me, as well as my doctor saying each year it is only smart. I went in for my over 50 colonoscopy. The worst part was prepping for it but that wasn't even that bad.
I awoke from the process to hear the Doctor telling Nat "Thank you! You pretty much saved his life. If he had waited a few more years it could be really bad."
Now that is not what I expected to hear.
Turns out they found a "mass". The tests showed that it is pre/early cancer.
So I then had a CT Scan (turned out normal).
Met with a surgeon, (he says it is more of a extermaly large pollop) discussed options...well the only option, surgery, first part of Nov.
Went to my regular Doctor, for my yearly physical plus more tests than normal. Still ahead, I get to have a meeting with a cardio specialist and have a stress test.
Then I get to spend 3-5 days in the hospital and recovery from that...November will be interesting.
So grateful that I have a wife that is so supportive and positive, even when we don't know exactly what is going on.
For a family that is supportive with faith and prayers.
Friends that come up, give me a hug and whisper, we are praying for you.
For my kids that give me unconditional love.
For Little J whose laugh on a video brightened a very down day (Thanks Jo)
And for Boo who in her 2 year old wisdom came up the other night, gave me a big hug, almost choking me. Looked me in the eye, patted my head and said "You be ok dadee...ok?"

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Conference and things

I really enjoy conference weekend. Not only the talks and counsel I hear but the kids coming over for breakfast and the Sunday Morning session.
Today we had Pumpkin French Toast! It was really good and I don't really like pumpkin. Nat also made BYU brownies but colored the mint red so they were more UofU Brownies.
The kids are all doing great. Little J is so fun to watch and see his expressions.
Boo and him got along so well.
This afternoon we went up to see Eric and Camies new place and have dinner.
I am so lucky and blessed to have the family I do.

Monday, September 13, 2010

A simple truth

(I love Greg Olsen pictures. Check him out on facebook)

Monday, September 6, 2010

Song Choice

I decided to look at my iPod this morning and see what the most played songs were:

Let me in - David Osmond
Go Ye now In Peace- Envoy
This is the Christ- George Dryer
Abide with Me - Michael Dowdle
When you believe- Celtic Women
Let me in- Osmond's
Abide with me- Voice Mail
Be still my soul- Envoy
O Israel- Greg Simpson
Carpenters Son - Kenneth Cope

This is really interesting when you consider that I bought the Let me in from David Osmond on 8-27-10. (Yes I listen to that song at least once a day)

I am grateful for the way music makes me feel.
Last week I heard a couple perform Be still my soul, I heard them perform it again last night at their, it was so beautiful and brought such peace to my heart.

This morning I came in from mowing the lawn, Nat was in the shower and music was in the air from her ipod (she has very different tastes than I)
There in the middle of the kitchen floor Boo was dancing, shaking her caboose and head. She looked up and me and said, "Come on Dad dance" so we danced for the next few minutes.
Music is very important to me and I hope is and will be to my children and grandchildren as well.

Saturday, September 4, 2010


I really should have posted this on Sept 2 but got too busy.
Sept 2 is a special day in our family, 13 years ago Nat and I got married, 2 years ago Boo became ours forever.
It is hard to imagine my life without Boo in it and even harder to remember it without Nat. (Dark days for sure)

I am so grateful for Nat Boo Jo Josh Randy Misty Cody Little J and new arrival January.
Without my family life would mean nothing, i would have no purpose (since I can't stand sports)
What a boring person I would be.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A Great Week

I have spent the last two days (and have two more to go) driving down to Provo for BYU Education Week. It is the first time I have been able to go and I am so grateful that I can spend this week there.
My wife is so supportive of me using a week of vacation to go. What a lucky guy I am.
I think I will go every year, at least for a part of the week.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Do nothing day

I had alot of projects I wanted to get started on today (as well as just hang with Boo and Nat)
Well here it is at the end of the day and I spent 90% of it hanging out with Boo.
Playing Monkeys on the bed
acting like dogs
Fixing lunch
Taking out trash
Sitting on the couch reading then watching ipods
To name just a few things.

I wish I had done more in the yard but nothing compares to the feeling I had when Boo just gave me a big hug and said "Tank you Dadeeee"

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Ice Cream Yummy

I left the Moose Tracks ice cream out the other night to get a bit softer. Little did I realize that Boo had climbed up on the counter to see what was there.

How she got the only big spot of fudge that was left I do not know.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Daily Gratefulness

What a week it has been! I am reminded everyday of how grateful I am to have a wonderful wife and a full of energy 2 year old waiting each night for me as I return home.
Work has been crazy since my right hand guy is out on vacation. But it never ceases to amaze me as problems come up the solutions are not too far behind. It is great to have "Extra Help" from high places.

I am the first to admit any blessings I get or "help" is not due to me but to the love a gracious Father has for my wife and toddler. Because of that my work life is easier thus enabling Nat to stay home with Boo and work on the most important job, being a mom!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

A smile waiting to happen

Today was a rough day at work...SAS 70 Audits tend to be that way sometimes. I am looking forward to heading home and know I have a smile just waiting to happen.
Last night Boo thought she would put on "Mommie socks" and parade around.
this was followed by when I took her into bed I noticed she had put on her shoes...what a kid. I am so lucky to have her love me and to be her dad!

Monday, July 12, 2010

First ouch for Boo

Yesterday Boo had a accident in nursery. Basically a boy pushed a thing that pushed on Boo who fell and hit her mouth on a table. She got a fat lip, a little blood and the small part of her front tooth broke off. When I heard she got hurt my first thought was 'Oh no we have gone so long without any kids hurt) (Those that know my family know I have had alot of pratice in this vein with my previous children, well one of my children)
I am grateful it wasn't worse, I am grateful for a calm wife that handled it since I was at a different meeting in a different building (I did speed rather fast down the street to from one church to the other once I got the call)
Boo is a trooper and came through it all great.
How I love my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Thanks Aunt Lynette

Boo's new favorite pasttime

Friday, July 2, 2010

Already July

It is hard to believe that it is already July. I spent the past week taking vacation (had to use it or lose it). We did not go anywhere but just spent the time at home doing projects. We were lucky enough to get a great swing set from Lynette (my sister) she just bought a house and the prior owners left it. It is one of those slide and deck sets. We had to take it down and move it to our yard but it was worth it. Boo loves it! She goes up and down the ladder and slide as well as sits in the swing. I also spent the week chopping back the over growth in the back yard...a never ending job but it is getting done layer by layer.
I am grateful for family as well as a job that allows me to take vacation and a wife that doesn't demand to go any where for vacation

Sunday, June 20, 2010


I spent yesterday up in Corrine my dads birth place at the Bradford Family Reunion. It happens every year and I did not go last year. My mom was busy so I said I would drive Dad up.
It was fun, I saw my aunt who I have always enjoyed and her kids. (She is 96)
We also went to the graveyard and then Dad drove me past his house where he was born. Still standing and being lived in.Not much changes in Corrine.
I am grateful for a great father. You have taught me so much.
Love ya Dad!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

First time stink

Well last night at 4:30am we had our first time with Boo and throw up. I heard a noise that woke me up, then i hear her small voice say "Dadeeee" Not her normal tone ether. I went in and as I entered the room was greeted to the undeniable smell of throw up. Not a lot but enough to get on her and the bed as well as on me when i picked her up. She was a trooper. I changed her, made her smile then laugh and put her in bed with her mom. I then went back and cleaned it up and threw a load in the wash.
We have been lucky in that she has not gotten sick before, and even now really not more than that one mess. For that I am grateful!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Wait Guys!!!!

As I got home from a Church meeting this afternoon I went to give my darling wife a big hug. I took her in my arms only to hear "WAIT GUYS!!!!" as my 2 year old came running over reaching out to be picked up.
With one arm around me and the other around her mom we squeezed tightly. All the while she had a big grin on her face.
I am grateful for family hugs!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Simple word= Big Smile

For the past week as I have come in from work or doing stuff out side Boo has greeted me with two simple words. "Hi Dadeeee" It never fails to bring a smile to my heart and face.

As I hand her something or help her she says "Tank U Dadeeee" and I smile again.

As I see my wife and the joy (as well as the frustration) that is in her from being a mom I just get all smiling inside.

Besides having a major headache right now (and I never get headaches) My life is great and I can hardly wait to go home and hear those two words and see my wife.

Saturday, June 5, 2010


This past weekend Randall married the love of his life, Misty.
It was a great couple of days. The dinner was great the temple was fantastic and the reception was cool. All the family really put a lot of effort into it and it showed.
Boo was such a great kid all day.
I have had a sneak peak at the pictures Nat took and they are amazing!!! Of course I can't post any till she gets them edited but when they are done they will be legend...wait for it...dairy!

I am so grateful for Misty becoming part of our family

Monday, May 24, 2010

A Happy Life

Today I am over whelmed with gratitude for just daily things. I have a friend that lost her job because she could not get to work due to the storm, but she is staying positive. Another friend is so happy that she had the last chemo treatment.
I had the best time with Boo and Nat yesterday. We went to a family thing then home and had the afternoon and night to just hang out. Boo always makes me smile. There is something new everyday with her. I just love to hear her say "thank you daddy". I have a wonderful wife that is not only my best friend but the best step mom to my kids and the best mom to Boo.
I had to put in vacation time in June so I can use up the hours before July 1 or I lose them. We aren't going anywhere just the time to spend at home and do yard work and projects around the house.
My job is such that for the most part it is easy going and problems are fixed quickly.
I am very grateful for the help I get with ideas that are not mine to solve these problems.
I have such a happy life!!! It was not always so but I can't remember the bad times too well, guess I am getting old. Besides, holding on to hurt or bad experiences is a lot of work and I am pretty lazy.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


It is Mother's day. I am grateful for several mothers in my live. First my own mother who has put up with so much from me throughout the years. Her example of living her testimony has helped to form me into the man I am today.
I also remember my grandmother and great grandmother. I always smile when I think of summers in Fillmore and running between their houses. (they lived next door to each other.)
Music filled their homes as well as great food. Stringy mac n cheese, pancakes with corn in them
The scary basement and outside food cellar. (I only entered the outside cellar once I was a grown adult)
I smile when i look at pictures of my grandson and his mom. Jo is a great daugther and now a great mother. It is a joy to see their family growing.
I am grateful for our birth mother, She has made it possible for Nat to be a mother. She is always in our prayers and thoughts. During the years we were working and waiting for Boo Mother's day was a bit sad. Only those who have not been a mother but really want to be, or are still working on that miracle can truly understand. I admit that I don't even know fully the feeling that can be there. I will always maintain that birth mothers are true heroes.
Last of all my wife Nat, who is the most perfect mother to Boo. (Boo was so worth the heartache and wait we went through) As well as being the perfect step mom to my kids. The joy I feel as I come home from work and see the two of them involved in cooking dinner, a treat, doing housework or just having fun is priceless.
My life is complete when I hear them laugh.
So today being Mother's Day I am grateful for all the women in my life .

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

lesson learned

I spend quite a bit of time at the table with my glasses on reading or on the computer. Quite often I am deep in study of the most recent conference talks. (I print them out and bind into a combed book so I can underline and make notes etc.)

Last night Boo sat down in my chair, picked up my glasses and started to "study".

You never know what things they are observing and processing in their little heads. I am grateful for the reminder that I need to always be a good example.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Too Many Gadgets?

Work decided that they will no longer pay for personal cell phones. This means that I have to get a new blackberry through work while keeping my old blackberry. I just have to pay my own phone bill now (that stinks but I understand)
So I ordered the new phone and will be keeping my old phone as well.
The other day a alarm went off for a meeting I had and it went off on the following gadgets I had on my desk. My new blackberry
My old blackberry
My laptop
My desktop
My netbook and
My iPod.
To top it all off I was late to the meeting.
I am grateful for the new tech I get to have and how it makes my life easier but i do think I have hit overload!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

been awhile

It has been awhile since I have posted. Guess I’m getting old.
Lately I have been reminded just how grateful I am for the job that I have. I spent last week in New Jersey. (No major snow storm this time) It was ok but I hate being away from home. It sounds crazy but I swear Boo seemed to grow up the 4 days I was gone.
Anyway, I am grateful I don’t have to travel as much as I used too. Also, so grateful that my job allows Nat to stay home with Boo. The other day Nat had to go to the dentist so I stayed with Boo. She missed her mom even though it was only an hour or so. It really showed when Nat got home.
Life is good!!!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

3rd Sundays Rock!

I have to admit that at the end of the night on a 3rd Sunday I am a bit sad. Nat teaches her lesson every 3rd Sunday and usually I have to talk in one of the Wards. So we spend the 2 weeks before preparing and talking things over. In fact the last week before, we really talk through her lesson and my talk subject. I mentioned in my talk today that each month I end up talking about her lesson in my talk. But that's OK it's all good stuff.
I am so grateful for the callings we have and the blessings we get from serving.
I have been on the High Council for over 2 years. When the time comes that I move on to something else I know I will be sad

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

WHAT A PEST!!! This is war!!!

For the second night in a row I have looked out the window to see a skunk making its merry way along the back yard wall by the pyrocantha bushes.
Great, wonder if it is living back there. We haven't smelled it but that doesn't mean alot.
Days like this I miss the back neighbors "Devil Dog" They moved last year and that dog kept critters, sales men, wild kids and others away from all our houses.
Looking on the Internet I found alot of ideas...the best was this. "Smith and Wesson have several types of discouragement you can apply"

Guess I better ask the neighbors if they have seen it. We have 4 little girls under 3 years old in the 3 houses here and we used to love the back yard.
Well the war is on! Now I just need to get my weapons/tatics ready for battle. ( don't really have a good idea yet on how to get rid of it but will try anything)
Some one said to urinate by where you see it. My luck it would be close and spray me while I'm busy...

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Weekend

Saturday Morning the kids came out to watch first session of conference and have breakfast/brunch. Nat made scones, a quiche and it was wonderful. (even with Boo getting up at 4 am and sticking her finger in the tops of the dough trying to rise)

Little J had a good interaction with the dog.

That afternoon I had to set up the satellite at 2 buildings for the priesthood session. For a few minutes I almost didn't have the Spanish TV feed set up but it all worked out as usual.

Sunday we went to Nat's Parents and had lasagna, cookies she had done as well as a short Family Night on the meaning of Easter with Resurrection rolls. (use marshmallows as Jesus, use spices and oils. Wrap him in the linens or dough, place in the tomb, and when they come out the marshmallows are gone and the rolls taste great.) I am so grateful for a beautiful and talented wife.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Grass Roots...

I attended my Republican caucus last night. First time! I was impressed with the overall turn out. The school gym was overfilled with people, a lot like me there for the first time. In fact some of the old timers seemed a bit put out that so many people had shown up. After the initial meeting we broke up into our precincts. Last year mine had 11 people there (they said) this year we had 44. Many I recognized from Church duties.
We were an easy going punch and got through the items need quicker than those around us. We really didn’t have anyone come with their own prepared agenda like I saw in other groups. (People actually had written speeches ready as they tired to get the vote to be the delegate to the State convention.
It was interesting to see how people were not jumping up really wanting to be the new Chair or vice chair or the other officers. They really didn’t get too excited on the county delegate but really wanted to be the one person to go to the state convention…all in all I am grateful to say I was part of the fundamental process

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

New Office...sort of

About 4 months ago my boss told me that he wanted me to move my team from our room where we were all by ourselves down to a large group room where the rest of his direct reports and their reports were. I put him off a long time. He kept at it saying that it would make it so he could stop by my office any time and see how things were going etc.
Well, I moved my office down and found not the connections needed for my people were not there so I am here by myself while my people are on the other side of the building. I have been here a month and this morning was the first time my boss stopped by. I think he was just walking by and saw me. Guess I should be grateful it has only been once...But, a move is good to help clean out junk that has collected over years at the same desk. It makes you re-evaluate what you have and look at how you do your work. Now I just need to get my people down here so I don't have to walk back and forth as much.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Small Service

Gave a talk at the 7th Ward yesterday on Service. In it I challenged the Ward to give small acts of service every day for the next 40 days. I also mentioned that we should record in our journals what happens. Not what the service was but how it touched you. (If you don’t have a journal the first act can be getting a notebook)
One of the things I am grateful for as I prepare a talk each month is what I learn as I work on them. Most of the time I end up saying something different than I had planned but I learn from every one.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Good things don't change

I received an invite for a class at work. Turns out they want us to go through Covey’s 7 Habits. Now years ago I was a Covey groupie. I had the chance to go through all the classes and even got my Golden Goose. (sort of like an Eagle scout award for Covey stuff) I loved using my day planner and even miss it at times. I started to listen to “The 8th Habit” on my iPod. Even though I find that I have not kept up on my habits, they still work well in life today.
I am grateful for the training I have had as well as the habits I once had and are now trying to recapture.
Basic, correct principles never change.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Who needs toys when you have a dog

Boo loves our dog! It really has become her dog. She plays with her all day long. Lately as I put Boo to bed at night I find 2-4 of the dog toys in her crib. She just laughs.
I am so grateful for a great natured dog that loves Boo. She never snaps or hurts Boo in any way. (Even when Boo is tormenting the poor thing) All Chloe does is give me that look of...Help!
I can hardly wait till Boo discovers dress up...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What a day (but still grateful)

Yesterday I decided to skip out of work a bit eraly to get home to my lovely wife and very active 2 yr old. As I walked by the window I noticed that it was raining. I was glad I had an umbrella in the office.
I went out to the car and noticed that my front tire was quite low. I drove to the gas station, got coins (who ever herd of having to pay for on that is nuts!)
Well the tire let the air out as fast as i put it in. (Took $1.50 for me to figure it out, can you say dduuuhhhh)
So I put on the spare, all while it was raining. Drove 100 feet and the spare went flat! I limped into a parking lot, called Nat and advised her I would be even later. She was so nice to suggest that she come rescue about 30 minutes later Nat and Boo show up. We take the tire to Walmart and of course it is too far gone to just patch so I bought a new tire,(which means I will have to buy another oner to match or the car wont drive quite right)
Of course it stopped raining as soon as I got in Nats car.
We decided that since we were out to go to eat, still no rain. As soon as I started to drive down 90th here comes the rain.
I take off the spare and put on the good tire, while getting wet, then I hear a tear and notice a cold breeze in my private area and look down to see a big rip in my slacks.
So what do I have to be grateful for:
That it was rain and not snow or freezing rain.
My wife is so wonderful to come rescue me
I wore my old shoes
I decided not to wear my new slacks we just bought
The flat was not on the freeway
I have a job to get a flat at
Walmart has sort of inexpensive tires
My car now handles a bit better
That my 2yr old laughed at my misfortune...

And that I know how to change a tire.(without alot of cuss words. Oh some did happen but not alot)

Friday, March 5, 2010

Unruly 12 yr olds to wild teens to great men!

Today I was invited to lunch with a great group of guys. 5 men who served missions together in England 27 years ago. A recently returned missionary from that same mission He came home 2 weeks ago)As well as another recently returned missionary from Indonesia. (It was great to listen to the other guys bombard the recently returned Elder with questions on people and areas etc)
The 2 recently returned missionaries are 2 that I have known since they were 12. I was able to see them grow from unruly young men into know it all 19 year olds and then see them very humbled men that have matured.
I was invited even though my mission was to Australia, were England sent it's outcasts, debtors, prisoners. Still I know great fish and chips. Which is what we had.
Thanks Jerry for the invite and Nick and Zack you guys are great men and I am sooooo grateful that I know you.

About last night...

The following was written on my netbook last night
So here I sit at the Stake house watching grown men act like fools as they play basketball.

Church ball is a sport unto itself...I do not choose to be here for 3 hours, but as part of the high council it is my turn to sit here in suit and tie.

We have 4 games tonight. Game 2 is almost over. Each game started with a prayer where it was asked that they all play nice, and to remember it is only a game. In watching the games it is apparent that some people forgot to listen to the prayer. It amazes me that these guys take this so seriously. Yelling, almost swearing, groans, pained faces, fouls galore yet they seem to be enjoying themselves.

Game 2 ended with a player kicking the ball as hard as he could the length of the gym, almost hitting a light.

Game 3 the prayer was said and it was asked that the scorers could score the game correctly...I didn't say amen.

Game 4 is finally underway and i am grateful this night is almost over.

I am grateful I only have to do this one night. (Maybe next sport assignment will be watching the Chess playoffs.)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Duet anyone?

For the last couple of days whenever we have been in the car we have had the "wonderful pleasure" of listening to the "Glee" soundtrack. It isn't too bad. The best part happened last night and again tonight on our way home from dinner. The song "Don't rain on my parade" comes on and Nat and Boo start singing and dancing at the top of their lungs. Boo starts singing even if Mom does not.
She loves it! As soon as the song is over it starts up again (it's on the CD twice! Go figure)
I almost wrecked the car from laughing so much at the sheer enjoyment that showed on their faces.
I am so grateful for a wife and daughter that love to sing (even if the sun roof is open. The other people look because their jealous I'm sure)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

More Daddy Time

Yesterday when I got home Boo attached herself to me as usual. We decided to give Mom a break so I took her outside. (yes it was a sort of good day)
We did bubbles by blowing bubbles and the infamous bubble mower. It works great. She had a ball.
I then took her with me to Walmart since I had to pick up a prescription. (Getting old really stinks some times)
Every time we go to Walmart we have to go see the fishes. This time she amazed me by pointing to the beta fish in their single plastic cups and said "Betas" I have no idea where she picked that up. I know last time we were there other kids were around talking about the fish.
We then went to Cafe Rio to pick up dinner. As we walked in I asked her what she wanted and she said "Rice" and then pointed over to the cash register and said "Candy!" really loud and several times.
Guess she is learning things we aren't even aware of...I love being a dad to a 2 year old again.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Is it Friday yet?

This week is already goofed up. I spent yesterday flying into New Jersey. The flight was ok, no real problems, just a guy next to me that did not move from the arm rest or his legs pushed out.
Got to the airport, picked up the bags and the car then drove to the hotel. No real traffic, just the guy I brought talking alot as I drove.
The hotel was of, over priced food but nice rooms. Of course I did not sleep well, I never do. This time mainly because was I not only missing my wife but Boo as well.
But this blog is about being grateful. I am grateful for the following:
-The flight was early and not delayed
-The flight had no problems
-I was not sitting next to a talker.(I like my peace and quiet when I fly)
-There was no traffic
-They remembered my GPS in the rental car
-The hotel does have a few places to eat in case we get alot of snow
-I have time to not only work out but to read the items I have never had time for
-My wife misses me when I am gone.

But I have to admit, Friday can not get home soon enough. (They say we might get a big storm Friday afternoon, great!)

Friday, February 19, 2010

Is this really news?

This morning all the stations ran the Tiger Woods speech. Then it was the lead story most of the day. Really!!! Is there nothing more important to talk about? Why is this such news? He thought he was better than most and that he could get away with cheating on his wife and family but he got caught. Now he is sorry. Big whoop! Guess I should be grateful that not everyone that gets caught in an affair has 15 minutes to give a speech on the airwaves.
I am grateful today that I had my ipod to listen too so I could turn off the TV and Radio.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Simple things

How can I not be grateful for this smile and tight hug?

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines!!!(Candy!!!!!!)

I came home early from my Church meetings this morning since the Stake Pres said we should be with our sweethearts today. As I walked in Boo came running up so excited that I was really touched. Turns out she wasn't so excited to see me but for me to see the valentine she had made a few days ago and to open the Peanut Butter cup Nat had bought me.
She really got excited once I opened the the candy. But we shared and it was fun.
At Church Boo and I sat alone since Nat was speaking. She did a wonderful job.
Tonight the Bradford's got together for Boos birthday and we got to see Misty, Randall, Josh and Little J. (LJ and Cody had to work, missed you guys) It was great to hold and talk with my grandson. He is such a rock.
I am so grateful that I have Nat in my life and Boo.
Nat you are the best thing to ever happen to me and you truly are my best Friend.
Happy valentines day babe I love you!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

I need more towels!!!!

This morning we went with the Ward to build Hygiene kits for the LDS Humanitarian center. They needed to replace the stock that has been shipped out lately.
We had over 150 people show up, did over 7000 kits and tied 4 quilts all within 2 hours.(of course I have a hard time tying my shoes let alone a quilt)
I worked at the towel table, taking 2 towels at a time that were already folded in half, out of their plastic wrap, folding them in half again and half again then stacking them in bins that went to the tables where the kits were being assembled.
As I was folding a 6 year old named Zack came over and wanted to help. Nat and I showed him how to fold the towels and watched to make sure he did OK. I had to stack the towels so he could grab them on the folds. As soon as I put a stack there I heard "I need more towels" the little squirt had finished his stack super fast. I put more down for him turned away only to hear "I need more towels", followed by a giggle. From then on my main job, it seemed, was to make sure Zack did not run out of towels. He would get close and start to laugh so I would plop more in front of him. Soon the whole table was smiling as Zack tired to get to yell "I need more towels!!!"
I told him that I am old and tired and slow and to take it easy on me. He just laughed.
After we were done and leaving Zack's dad came up and said "So I hear you are slow and old as well as tired..." I cracked up laughing.
I am grateful to a giggling 6 year old that showed me you can make any mundane task fun and something to giggle about, Thanks Zack!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Things my 2 Year Old has taught me

Running around the room with hands in the air and screaming makes mom laugh
Farts can be funny
The dog doesn’t like to play dress up
If I close my eyes no one can see me
You can’t watch “Finding Nemo” too many times.
Color in the lines? What lines?
Singing at the top of your lungs even if you don’t know the words is the way to go
Counting the stairs is fun (there is always 10)
Shoes don’t have to go on the right feet or on all the way to work
Shoes not all the way on make me taller (and help my balance)
Nothings wrong with doggy kisses (unless dad hasn’t shaved) Drinking the bath water or eating the dog food won’t kill ya
Hiding under the table doesn’t always work
Sometimes you have to laugh for no reason
The lights go out when you turn off the power strip
A nap makes the day better
You can always eat cookies or ice cream
A smile makes people not be sad
You can never say hello and wave too much(even to people you don't know...they like the attention)
I have to be careful when I use the word treat
Disney Channel is funner to watch than CNN
Spinning is circles till you fall down is cool
Getting PJ’s on means bedtime is close
Intsey wincey spider is a very deep song
No matter how bad the day is a smile and hug makes dad feel better

Simple things

Today is a long day already(sometimes Fridays are like that at 10:00 am). But I am still grateful for small things.
No traffic this morning,
rain instead of snow,
I have a job I have to go to,
I had hoped for a 3 day weekend but now have to come in Monday for a few hours,
I have a job I have to go to,
All my people showed up for work,
not having to really worry about Valentines day since we don't do it really, but then I think we might this year so guess I should be worrying on what to get my wife,
waking up in the middle of the night and not getting back to sleep but I had several NCIS episodes on my DVR,
small in the ear Headphones so when I did go back to bed I could listen to music without waking up Nat,
The hug I got from Boo this morning as I moved her into bed with Nat as I woke her getting ready for work,
Sunny skies as I looked outside,(for a small moment but I did see the sun)
my laptop playing episodes of Highlander in the background as I work on reports (and this entry...break time???).

All in all while it is another normal day I still need to be grateful.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Never good at Math

I am so grateful for Turbo tax! It is so worth the 40 bucks I spend each year. I used to hate tax time and avoided it as long as possible. No longer. I took a hour or so last night and did them. I know that getting money back helps me like doing them more than when I had to pay.
I never was good with math so I am grateful for the computer doing the work,(as well as keeping the record and copy of it)
And yes we get some back, not near as much as we got last year with the adoption credit but something is better than owing

Monday, February 8, 2010

Roller coaster of emotions

Last night as I looked at the news on my computer I saw the story of the death of a 4 year old girl from Layton. My heart ached for the family. I then read the family name of Toone. My old boss moved to Layton (I thought) and his daughter would be about 4. I got a sick feeling in my stomach. Did not sleep well and I have to admit when Boo woke up at 4 I took her right into bed with us to snuggle instead of getting her to lay down in her own bed. I wanted to call Jo and Josh and tell them to hug Little J for me as well. This morning at work I asked if anyone knew if it was my friend (I didn't think I could email him and ask how the family was doing) Finally I got with another old work mate and found out that he had recieved some emails that morning from our friend and nothing metioned of this, also that they lived in Kaysville now not Layton. I was happy but yet sad that a family still had to go through this loss even if I did not know them.
I plan on hugging Boo a bit closer tongiht and pray a bit harder for safety of my family.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Trip to Library

Saturday we went to the library to try and get some pictures of Boo before she turned 2.

I have said before that I am grateful for the library, I go a lot. I am also grateful for a love of reading all my kids have.
Boo just stood at the door getting excited and not knowing where to run first, that didn't last long and she was off. Didn't even stop long enough for mom to get a good pic. I love this excitement!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

2 Years ago

2 Years ago our life was about to change forever but we had no clue. Feb 1 sweet Boo was born. Even though we didn't know she existed yet we had faith that the perfect baby for us was soon to come.

We met J and Boo the night of the 2nd and placement happened the night of the 4th.

A day does not go by that I do not think of J and her unselfish love she had.

This weekend was extra special as I thought alot about 2 years ago.

I am so grateful for the miracle of adoption and how it helped us create our family!

Thanks J and family we love you!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Helping hands, ugh

I spent this morning helping set up items at the Stake House for the Relief Society Conference they are having tomorrow. Being over the physical things I see all the set ups and I have to admit women do it different from men but they still have headaches in common. Women over plan, over decorate and don't like things not working. Men don't plan, maybe will vacuum and expect miracles at the last minute. But I am happy to help whoever. The best things are when men and women plan them together.
I am grateful for the hands that came to set up tables and chairs, so often no one shows up and I am left alone to do it even though I wasn't assigned.
Here's hoping it will go smoothly tomorrow since I am going to be at Home with Boo so Nat can go.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Today in the Ward where I am the high council we had a recently returned missionary speak. This afternoon in my home ward we had one who is just getting ready to leave (Wed to be exact)
Some times double church is good. Today I am grateful I got to hear both of these young men and where they are at in their lives.
Since we really are not to have farewells or homecomings any more I thought of a new name.
When I was in the Bishopric I started calling the farewell a MOTS and the Homecoming a MOTSA.
Missionary's Opportunity To Speak
Missionary's Opportunity To Speak Again.

Only problem is it sounds very unmormon like when you say it.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Old "friends"

I just finished listening to "Master Harper of Pern", one of the few Pern books I have not read.
It's main character is Robington who is a major player in several of the other Pern books. It is about his life. How great it was to "catch up" with old friends and find out things I didn't know as well as hear names I knew.
Good books are like that.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The small moments

Sometimes the small unplanned moments are the most rewarding.

Both of their smiles make my day every time I see them. I am so lucky!!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Daddys little Helper...yeah right

For the past week or so every time I go to do something Boo decides she needs to help. Most of the time it is great fun...sometimes not.
Lately as soon as I start the water for the dishes she runs over to her step stool trying to drag it over saying 'Help help"
She really doesn't dry the dishes but she loves to help. Tonight she accidentally hit a large pan with a wooden spoon and started laughing at the noise. For the next 10 minutes it was bang bang bang.
I put my fingers on the edge to make it quiet, she hit it once look at me and my fingers then smack them hard with the spoon.
Every time I sit to type on the computer she comes climbing into my lap. She tries to type and use the mouse. Tonight I unplugged the wireless mouse so she could think she was doing something.
It didn't take long before she looked at the side of the computer, grabbed the wireless piece and tried to put it in the usb slot.

The 2's are going to be so much fun!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Nice Dinner

Cody and Randall came out last night to eat and spend time with Boo. It was nice to just hang out with the boys.
Of course Cody was tired...he works alot
Randall was love sick lonely since it had been 2 days away from his sweety.

But Boo loved having them there.
I am so grateful to have the kids and grandson I do.