Monday, July 6, 2009

Poltics today

This past weekend was one for thought. As I have read about the signers of the Declaration I am amazed at the sacrifice they went through. Some were caught by the British and killed, other lost everything they had in wealth and things dying in rags. One had the British take over their home. As they were standing with General Washington they told the general to open cannon fire on their home to attack the British.
All believed in the cause...I wonder if anyone from any party would do the same today. Would they give up all their wealth for the cause? Would they live in caves in hiding but still striving for the cause for justice and good?

I think not...and that is something I am not grateful for


Cody Bradford said...

I would like to thing that there are some that would stand up and go for the cause maybe those not in government or leadership positions now but those who have the faith in the country and the values we stand for would come out of the wood work and fight for what they belive but what do i know im a liberal dreamer :)

Scottie B said...

Cody, I think you are right...the sad thing is that those people are not in poltics today, but what do I know I am a confussed conservative.