Friday, February 11, 2011

Friday? Really???

I must admit that today I am glad it is Friday. I would stay home and work from home today but since it is Friday that means it is Nat's cleaning day. Several things are a fur sure knowledge on cleaning day:
1.If I am home it will throw off Nat's Mojo and disrupt her system in cleaning the house.
2. If I am home Boo will be off her normal "let mom clean mood"
3. If I am home I will have to help with the cleaning, knowing full well that I will not do it completely right but that my wife is grateful that I try. (Boy am I trying at times she says)

So here at work i sit. Think I will stop at the library on my way home (kill 20 minutes)

I am grateful I have a wife that loves to clean and doesn't mind if I need to be a work on that day.

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