Lots to be grateful for. Over the past few months work has been very hard. Dealing with people and their issues that effect me and what I need to get done has become a part time job it seems.
Trying to figure out how to approach problems has also been a challenge.
I decided to make it a matter of prayer. It is no surprise that as I included God in my daily work and issues they seemed to be less stressful.
They were still there and a pain but I didn't seem to stress as much anthem nor did I lie awake at night working them over and over in my mind.
My wife and I team teach a Sunday School class of 12-13 year olds. We have 8 in the class and they come every week.
I am so grateful for her insight in how best to try and reach these kids.
We each study the lessons separately then talk briefly about how we want to approach the lesson.
Most weeks it is great, some times not so much but we keep working on it.
We also each do our own scripture study and then talk about what we each have read or thought about.
This is awesome and a great blessing. I love her insight into he scriptures as well.
Trying to figure out how to approach problems has also been a challenge.
I decided to make it a matter of prayer. It is no surprise that as I included God in my daily work and issues they seemed to be less stressful.
They were still there and a pain but I didn't seem to stress as much anthem nor did I lie awake at night working them over and over in my mind.
My wife and I team teach a Sunday School class of 12-13 year olds. We have 8 in the class and they come every week.
I am so grateful for her insight in how best to try and reach these kids.
We each study the lessons separately then talk briefly about how we want to approach the lesson.
Most weeks it is great, some times not so much but we keep working on it.
We also each do our own scripture study and then talk about what we each have read or thought about.
This is awesome and a great blessing. I love her insight into he scriptures as well.