Wednesday, September 12, 2018

The world has changed

Several times each year I seem to reflect on how much the World has changed in my long life. Usually one of those times is around 9-11 due to the fact of the events 17 years ago.
I remember the day well. I remember how sick I felt.
I remember traveling before and after that day and how that has changed.

Today I worry more for my kids and grandkids. The world they have to navigate is really scary and yet they have no idea I think.

Growing up we never worried about being outside or if the door was locked or not.
We would walk the street after dark without a care. Not so now.

 My older kids had to worry a bit about bullies. I had to in school, but the environment today is so much worse. Home used to be a safe place where nothing bad would enter in, but with social media and all, that is not true.

I am doing what I can to make sure everyone I connect with knows how special they are. I am grateful for those around me and in my life and my family's life that think and do the same.
We are enough and we are each our own kind of special.

Monday, September 10, 2018

People are good!

I had the chance to volunteer at the Salt Lake FanX Comic Convention this past weekend. I have done this for the past 3 times and love it.
I am lucky enough to be assigned to the Celebrity Row team, which basically means we are there to help the Celebrities with their autograph signings. Helping with fans and the lines that form instantly it seems.

I was able to be with several big names and I must say that each and everyone of them were gracious and treated me with respect.
I was very happy to see the different people as they waited inline, take the time to check on each other, to help with little kids that just don't get why Mom and Dad want to hang out on a cement floor surrounded by weirdly dressed people waiting.

People are good to each other ----for the most part. There are a few that are not, but the majority that I saw and dealt with were a pleasure, even when things were not going a well as they wanted.

I think human nature is built to be nice and I hope more get back to that. I'm grateful for that.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Life, Prayer, Scripture Study, A great Wife

Lots to be grateful for. Over  the past few months work has been very hard. Dealing with people and their issues that effect me and what I need to get done has become a part time job it seems.
Trying to figure out how to approach problems has also been a challenge.

I decided to make it a matter of prayer. It is no surprise that as I included God in my daily work and issues they seemed to be less stressful.
They were still there and a pain but I didn't seem to stress as much anthem nor did I lie awake at night working them over and over in my mind.

My wife and I team teach a Sunday School class of 12-13 year olds. We have 8 in the class and they come every week.

I am so grateful for her insight in how best to try and reach these kids.
We each study the lessons separately then talk briefly about how we want to approach the lesson.
Most weeks it is great, some times not so much but we keep working on it.

We also each do our own scripture study and then talk about what we each have read or thought about.
This is awesome and a great blessing. I love her insight into he scriptures as well.