Saturday, August 15, 2009

One Year ago...gotcha day!

One year ago (yesterday) we went to court to have Boo become legally ours! Some in the adoption world celebrate it as gotcha day, not so much for us. However that does not mean I am not grateful for what happened then. It forever changed our family. To hear the Judge say she is ours "as if she had been naturally born to you" was great. Even though we knew we would have no problems to know that she was legally ours and nothing the state or any one else could do would change that. It made the years of waiting and waiting all worth it.
I love all 4 of my kids equally, but Boo has brought such a glue to our family.
I am forever grateful to her birth mother for having the courage and selfless love to do what was best for her baby and place 3 day old Boo in Natalie's arms and then walk away. She is forever a hero to me and everyone i talk to! Over the past 18 months a day has not gone by that i do not think of her and how she is doing or thank the Lord in my prayers for her and ask Him to guide and bless her.

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