Friday, December 18, 2009

Lifetime of Memories

We returned in one piece from our (Nat's Family) trip. I told my brother in law on the plane as we landed that no one killed anybody and we are all still speaking to each other so life is good.
It was:
4 years in the planning
12 days in happening
One lifetime to remember

I am grateful for the trip and being able to return home safe and sound. I am grateful for the safety of family members while we were gone. Dad escaped injury when the snow blower blew up only to fall down the stairs Monday night. (I found out when I called my mom after we landed last night). He is shaken up but ok. (I still have a bone to pick with my mom for not letting me know it happened)

The house and the dog survived Randy and Cody taking care of them (thanks guys)
The plane ride home was a bit loud with 3 kids under 4 but all in all ok. No throw up, no stinky diapers etc.
As I looked at just some of the pictures today I almost started to cry because it seems Boo grew up so much this trip. She may not remember details but we have pictures galore to help her "remember"

Most of all I am grateful for a wonderful wife who spoils me and loves me, Boo and My kids.

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