So if you know me you know that I am trying to read a lot more...(100 books is the goal).
Well, I wont count this but I started to listen to a book by Orson Scott Card, who I have only read one other of his books (People of the fringe, I believe).
This one called "Enchantment". Got 3 discs into it and stopped, just not grabbing me. Then I started one by Mercedes Lackey on King Arthur story line but got 2 discs into that and lost interest. Then I tired one of my old standby authors Namoi Novik and her dragon series got one disc into, read the story outline from the back of the book and lost interest. Not that these were bad books, just not what I want to listen too right now. So I have listened to 6 disc's of different books but not counting it to my goal. Most books are 10-13 discs long.
So I started Stephen Kings 30 disc (over 1000 pages) "Under the Dome". One disc in and will stick with it for awhile.
So what does this have to do with being grateful you ask?
Well, (and this is a stretch) I am grateful that I have such a varied taste and the ability to stop a book if it is not grabbing me, only to pick up where I left off in a few months and enjoy the rest of the read.
Guess I'm Funny that way.