Saturday, December 10, 2011


So being on the high council and being in charge of the Physical stuff has been a great learning over the last 4 years.
This week I added another skill set.
Our Stake does a musical program each year at CHristmas and will start at Easter. THe leader of this has hated our CHurch speaker system for years. She finaly talked the Stake President into buying a portable sound system.
So Thursday I went and picked it up, got trained and found out that I am the sound guy for tomorrows program.
THis meant getting up at 6am this morning setting everything up for pratice, sitting through pratice and then taking everything down only to put it back up tomorrow afternnon.
I got home at 1 today.
I do not want to sound like I am complaining cuz I am not. I could have said no but I am glad to help.
Also I got a call from one of the wards to see if I could be their Santa next Saturday. I asked if it was since I was fat, they said no just Jolly.
I was sort of unsure how to take that but then another ward told me today that they were thinking of asking me to be their Santa as well, I asked Why, their answer...Your such a Jolly kind of guy.
I am grateful people think I am Jolly...

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