Thursday, March 10, 2016

Stage 1 Cancer

Well I guess I better fill you all in on a secret we have been keeping.

About a month ago Nat went into the doctor to get some items checked out.

They found a large mass\tumor in her uterus and took a sample and sent it to the lab.

Turns out it is cancer!

We were referred to a local hospital for treatment\options but declined to go there. Instead we contacted the Huntsman Cancer Institute where I had my tumor from my head removed and Nat’s dad is currently being treated.

We met with the head of the gynecology department that deals with this sort of thing.

He was very nice and very informative. He said that the course of treatment was a full Hysterectomy and that he wanted it to be done ASAP. In fact he said how about Wed. (We met him on Friday the 4th) we asked if it could be later since we had Boo’s baptism to get through. So we are scheduled for the morning.

We told the kids in person after the baptism and they took it well but were quite shocked.

We also told the rest of the family as they were leaving in the parking lot, away from Boo so as not to ruin her big day.

We have felt the prayers of family and friends and I am so grateful for modern medicine and knowledge.

So grateful for my wife and best friend. I hate to even think for a moment how I would ever do this life without her at my side.


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