Sunday, July 24, 2011

Wow just wow.

It  has been awhile since I have posted anything. Lots has happened.
We took Boo to see the new Winnie the Pooh movie. Randy and Misty joined us. It was great to have Boo dig into their popcorn and not ours for a change.
We went to the Bountiful Parade Friday night. In order to get OK seats I woke up at 5am that morning and headed over. Found a spot, set up and waited until 7 am when we were allowed to leave.
The other day Boo came into where I was reading, her arms folded, a big frown on her face. I asked what was wrong, she replied."I'm frustrated!" I asked why she said "Cuz I am Dad!"
she stormed into her room and 10 minutes later everything was great.
Boy if this is 3 years old what is 13 or 16 going to be.
Work has been interesting...just glad to have a job and allow Nat to stay home with Boo.

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