Monday, April 6, 2009


I love the podcast feature on itunes! It enables me to get programs without really thinking about it. 2 come to mind this morning. I get the "Geek Show" (part of Radio from hell group) each Monday afternoon and have it listened to by Friday. This morning I was able to get LDS General conference before it was even 24 hours old! I downloaded each of the talks and placed them on my ipod to listen to again and again over the next 6 months. How grateful I am for technology that allows this to happen. The old days I would set up a cassette recorder by the radio and record the session, having to remember to flip the tape over every 30 minutes and hope I didn't miss any of the talks while doing it. I then had 8 different cassette tapes to deal with and no way of going to a certain talk etc. Wow times have changed and for the better.

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