Friday, January 28, 2011

Thoughtful Weekend coming

A day usually does not go by that I do not think, at least briefly, about Boo's wonderful birth mother and family. Some days are more often than others. This weekend is going to be one of the latter.
Come Tues Boo turns has it been that long?
3 Years ago our weekend went like this: Thursday night we attended the adoption class we were in charge of. (We had been teaching the class for couples newly into the process of adoption, trying to get their paperwork done and approved to be considered for placement.) for the past 2 1/2 years.
The head of the agency was acting a bit odd toward us but we didn't think much of it since I was in a bit of a bad mood since it had taken so long to have anything happen with us. We had been actively waiting for over 3 years and nothing was on the horizon (or so I thought, she knew differently so could not look at me or would spill everything.)
Friday I picked Nat up from work, we headed home.
Saturday afternoon I was a bit bored so decided to go to the library. While looking at one of the shelves my cell phone rang. It was Randal (who was living with us at the time) saying hysterically that Nat was on the phone crying and I needed to get home quick. i thought someone had died. I asked what was the problem, he said I don't know. I then heard Nat yell. 'Tell him to get his butt home our baby has been born!" I do not even remember if I put the item I was looking at back on the shelve.
I raced home, Nat was still one the phone crying and then laughing then crying. She was talking to the head of the agency who had asked our case worker if it would be OK for her to call us with this news instead of the usually process of the case worker calling. I tired to read the notes she was writing but could make sense of it. baby girl, Washington, Ogden, black hair, to mention just a few.
I told Randy that I could not tell we may be going on a trip.
Turns out a wonderful Birth mother had decided that her baby was to have Nat as her mom. She had been born on Friday and we were to go up to the hospital, 45minutes away and meet her and our daughter.
As we were driving up to the hospital I turned to Nat and said 'I wonder if work has any idea that Friday was your last day?"
Well life has been a wonderful change since that weekend. We left the hospital not knowing for sure what was coming next. The plan was for the birth mother to take Boo home for a few days and to meet for placement at the agency on Monday night. We had such peace come over us for the rest of the weekend and Monday. Time was spent in shopping. Even though it could still not happen that peace seemed to guide us.We placed on that Monday night and have never looked back.
We have an open relationship with our birth mother and her family. Even though we do not email as often as we used to do during the first 2 years, and have not seen them for awhile, I still think of them.The Internet helps greatly with that. They have access to our blogs, and the main reason I am on face book is so they can have a window into our lives whenever they want.

Every prayer mentions her, both our family prayers and Boo's personal ones. Boo knows her name and says it when she looks at pictures of her.

I am forever grateful to this wonderful lady that gave Nat something I never could, no matter how hard I tired.
Nats main goal and dream was to be a mother. Through the 10+ years of dealing with infertility and trying different things it came down to the unselfish love of a mother to her child and wanting to give that child the best life possible. It came down to having a special mother to listen to the still small whispers that her daughter was hers but also belonged to a different mother.

I better stop typing now and get a tissue to wipe up the tears that are hitting the keyboard before they cause damage.
My family is what it is today in part to the wonderful love that only adoption brings out in people.


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