Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Early Morning pitter patter sound of feet

This morning (as well as several in the past week) I have been pleasantly surprised in the morning to the sound of little feet coming out of the bedroom, down the hall. They slow for a moment by the T that leads into the kitchen or the front room. Not really stopping, just a slight slow as Boo decides where i am at. I am usually in the chair (more on that in another post, I love that chair) reading. She come into the room, sees me then starts a full tilt run into my lap. I get the pleasure of one of her massive hugs and a kiss, then she settles in my lap for a few moments and we just sit there.
I have learned that once I hear the feet I need to put down whatever i am reading and get ready for her charge.

I love her hugs, I love the hugs, laughs, giggles and smiles I get from her as well as my grandsons. I do believe that only a grandpa (Jack this includes you) can get the large special smile. At least it looks extra special to me.

I am very grateful for the chance I have to be a dad and a papa with kids so close together in age.
I do not know what other 50 something people do when they come home from work but i know I will have a hug and the rest of the evening planned out for me by a very energy filled 3 year old.
I know I will smile, laugh and maybe even tear up a little before I finally go to sleep.

For this I am grateful!

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