Friday, January 11, 2008

Old guy Walking

Last night at the gym, (yes we went to the gym again!) Nat went to do here elliptical thing and I went up to the track. I started walking and really enjoyed the pace I was setting. Then I see this older guy coming up from behind, I thought ok how great is that, then he passed me. As I made my way around the second lap this same guy passes me. I then noticed his shirt. Across the back was written “I walked a million steps last summer what did you do?” Well that was great I thought. On the next lap I was going to show him since it is the lap I run on. Well by running I almost stayed ahead of his walking. He made me do better than I thought I would last night. So for that I am grateful


Natalie said...

I'm still in shock that you actually ran--- who are you and what have you done with my husband :)

Laurie Jo said...

Wow and the old guy actually wasn't you? Hard to imagine anyone older. :) J/K Love ya!