Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Reading Glasses

Ok so I am getting old I guess. I can not see anything in front of me without my reading glasses. Now the thought of not being able to read is not cool. I love to read, so am grateful that I can. I also have trouble with up close work. (Trying to put the bookcases together was rough at times when things are a blur.) The problem with reading glasses for me now days is that I need them for everything. Holding items out a arms length is not as good as it used to be a few years ago. So how do you pack around glasses that you only need for up close work? I have taken to having them sit on top of my head.(I saw Glen Beck at a Adoption Conference wear his the whole time that way) (Nat says I am just trying to age gracefully) Or when I wear a sport coat or suit, they are in the pocket. I must admit that I do look cool in my glasses.

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