Thursday, March 24, 2011

I Hate Running

So it might seem weird to name a post "I Hate" on a grateful blog, but bear with me it might make sense by the end.
Nat has been a regular exercise person for several years, I have not. In January we joined a group of 40 other people here in Bountiful to do a Biggest Loser type competition. Paid our money and started to really watch food and I started to exercise. Yes i really did start...anything was better than what I had been doing.
We were lucky that my sister had an old tread mill she no longer wanted so we set it up in the basement and I "try" to use it regularly.
Well I hate jogging, running, walking fast or any type of exercise...but if I want to live long enough so that Boo's children will know me, then I have to change.
I will say that I am proud of myself and the amount of water I drink everyday. Still have my diet soda but not near as much, (most days anyway)

I am proud of Nat and the effort and success she has had in this contest. I have done ok as well. The final weigh in is April 2 so I guess it will be salads till then..(still have a glimmer of hope to win some of the money)
I am grateful that I can exercise. I am grateful that I do not Have to go hungry or watch my children go hungry.
I am mostly grateful for a wise and loving spouse who with a simple look can make me do something I hate and know it is good for me.
(She says she wants me around for a long time to come, since she doesn't want to go back to work.)


Heidi said...
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Randall said...
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