Friday, March 4, 2011

Some great voices to listen to.

I love audio books. I am always listening to one it seems. I have heard some pretty plain voices (mainly form the free ones).
I have just finished 2 books that the reader had me fall in love with audios books all over again. (Check out my reading blog for details on the last 2 books)
The voices were from Simon Vance (his website
And from Stephen Perring (his website:

I find it odd that they are both British but I know I have listened to some great American voices as well.
Any way, I am grateful for the tech know how that allows me to listen to a book while driving, working on boring reports, or just relaxing in my favorite reading chair.
I am also grateful for a loving understanding wife that let me have one ear in while driving the 10 hours down to Disneyland as well as coming back. (not to mention the time we spent sitting waiting for Fantasmic and other things)

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