Thursday, March 17, 2011

Why Ethics?

So this morning I had to get on a "Worldwide Conference Call" with the company I work for.
It was our quarterly business meeting. The topic this morning was ethics...
I spent the next hour listening to examples where ethics were not really followed.
I am lucky and very grateful on several points with this subject.
First off I am lucky and thankful that my group at work that reports to me really do not cause me a problem. I am glad for that.
I am glad for a core belief that I must answer that ever unclear question. "Are you honest in your dealings with your fellow man?" I always answer 'I try to be."

I was talking to my new boss (well, sort of boss) and he said to be careful on ethics and expenses etc. I laughed, pointed to my 2 cell phones I carry and said "I carry two cell pays for one and I am supposed to only use it for that and since I never use many minutes I did not think it that big a deal. But since I noticed on the billing that it is a shared plan with everyone else in the company I have been packing my personal cell. (Before I had it forwarded to my work one.)
He said, "Well still be careful." I smiled and told him thank you for the concern and I would be careful. (in fact I have even canceled the forwarding of my GMail account to my work one so I do not have to worry about mixing the two.)

SO why ethics? I firmly believe that if everyone would just treat people with the love and respect they expect people to treat their grandmother with that the world would be a better place.

PS I am watching Les Mis 25th anniversary again and loving it!!!!!

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